Search results

  1. solsurfr

    CA - Buying a Raptor out of State?

    Congrats! Thought Louisburg was one of the dealers charging $10K over sticker but it sounds like they are doing "retail" orders for $50 over invoice. Very cool. Hopefully the thread for "invoice dealers" will start to populate a little now that people are starting to place orders. Good stuff!
  2. solsurfr

    GEN 2 Dealers Selling @ MSRP or Lower

    Yet not one dealer has shown up on the invoice thread (or one that is willing to go public on those deals). There maybe invoice deals out there but that doesn't represent the current market value for the critical mass at the moment, imo.
  3. solsurfr

    GEN 2 Dealers Selling @ MSRP or Lower

    Why is it so crazy? It's simple supply and demand. Even my dealer told me I could wait till the hype slows down (a year or less), put in a retail order over and above allocation. Probably around that time and maybe earlier, the "invoice thread" would be more active with those types of deals...
  4. solsurfr

    GEN 2 Dealers Selling @ MSRP or Lower

    Gotcha... to me that is appropriate for the "near invoice" thread. This thread seems to be more appropriate for the "near MSRP" deals. Two different deals with two very different price points... [splitting hairs here...]
  5. solsurfr

    GEN 2 Dealers Selling @ MSRP or Lower

    This is invoice dealers not MSRP dealers... or am I missing something?
  6. solsurfr

    GEN 2 Dealers Selling @ MSRP or Lower

    Searched using "MSRP" and didn't see another thread dedicated to MSRP dealers? At any rate, ordered mine and would be happy refer folks to my dealer as they've been great to work on this order as well as our past purchases. Please PM me if interested. Good luck all! Shadow Black...
  7. solsurfr

    GEN 2 Truck Order Discussion

    Ordered this week SCREW + 802A + options. Happy to refer folks to my dealer and sales person as they have been easy to work with from our last Ford purchase in 2015. Please PM for details, if interested. The wait now begins...
  8. solsurfr

    Dune running with beadlock + beauty ring?

    Guys-- New to the beadlock tech and found it really interesting. The only issue is the actual work to convert them back and forth from beauty ring to true beadlock and vice versa. I'll probably give a go a few times but I'm sure I'll get sick of the work at some point and I my offroading is...
  9. solsurfr

    GEN 2 Cast Base or Forged Beadlock Capable?

    Lazy Question: Could I run in soft sand with the beadlock capable wheels + beauty ring at say 18-20 PSI? Once I get the Raptor, it will be my daily driver + weekend dune runner (surf fishing vehicle) + occasional family vehicle. Not opposed installing true-beadlock but not a huge fan of...
  10. solsurfr

    GEN 2 Truck Order Discussion

    Can't decide! Accents are nice and they look sharp. Perhaps they are to match the LED color which is also an orange hue so both exterior and interior are "accented" ??
  11. solsurfr

    GEN 2 Truck Order Discussion

    Would the CF package clash with the Orange accent package, you think? Anyone get both?
  12. solsurfr

    Hood & Exterior Graphics - PICS!

    Would be cool to build and preview these options on Ford's site. Would love to see these graphics in tuxedo black.
  13. solsurfr

    2017 Excel Pricing Tool

    very cool of you to share this with us. thanks!
  14. solsurfr

    Real Raptor Specs? (Price, HP/TQ, ect)

    Other threads point out the new F150's to start production on this date too so maybe folks are crossing the two models unintentionally.
  15. solsurfr

    2017 Ford Raptor: High Resolution Photos

    Nice color. Any other pics of this truck you could share?
  16. solsurfr

    Wait list & MSRP issue

    Thanks for sharing!
  17. solsurfr

    2017 Ford Raptor: High Resolution Photos

    the rear plastic doesn't look that bad on the black...
  18. solsurfr

    Raptor Dealers Selling Near Invoice

    If I understand you, you got $1K over invoice on an allocation not a special order? So what I've gathered from the many posts in this forum, is that dealers will be able to place special orders for Gen2's over and above their allocation whereas, this wasn't the case with Gen1's. Did I get this...
  19. solsurfr

    Got in the '17 this weekend

    OP... did you get confirmation on the color of this Raptor? White or Avalanche Grey?
  20. solsurfr

    2017 Ford Raptor: High Resolution Photos

    Hoping Sync3 is a huge upgrade to SYNC2 or whatever it's called in the previous version which is in my '15 XSport. Sync2 is incredibly slow, occasionally freezes like a Windows PC, and just isn't intuitive compared to my '14 BMW. If Ford could take any queue from the Germans, it's in their...