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  1. Muchmore

    GEN 2 Thoughts on a jacuzzi bed?

    We did this in high school with a friend of mines Toyota truck. Poor truck. We filled it up in the morning let it warm in the parking lot all day and wore swim trunks to school. No better way to get chicks in high school than to bring a pool to school. Back when it was legal to ride in the bed...
  2. Muchmore

    GEN 2 Transmission issues

    If there is fluid on the ground under the truck I certainly wouldn't do any of this.
  3. Muchmore

    Orange Caliper Covers

    Heck yeah man the truck looks so sharp I would take those caliper covers off.
  4. Muchmore

    A/C Smells Like Vinegar (Not Teen Spirit)

    I can't get past wondering how you know this smells so much like a feminine hygiene product. Maybe the lack of personal hygiene has spilled over into the poor truck :)
  5. Muchmore

    Ford & Carfax's awful policy. BE AWARE !!!

    Or at least a VIN from a salvage yard.
  6. Muchmore

    I apologize to all the i70 drivers I offended bombing across Missouri yesterday

    I was waiting to hear a story about this guy in an ambulance and another one in a cape!
  7. Muchmore

    I apologize to all the i70 drivers I offended bombing across Missouri yesterday

    May we know the story behind this Cannon Ball Run move to meet 3 troopers in 3 states? :D
  8. Muchmore

    Ford & Carfax's awful policy. BE AWARE !!!

    Just wow. What a crock of crap. I can see someone local to Carfax taking some doner VIN's off their private vehicles in their parking lot. Usually, license plate info can be found for free on state websites.
  9. Muchmore


    That's really cool, great photos
  10. Muchmore

    Tree Stump Pulling

    Yeah, if you try to pull a tree stump with a Raptor please, PLEASE get this on video :D
  11. Muchmore

    MO / IL etc meet-up

    Did anybody around here do them and if I may ask, how much was it?
  12. Muchmore

    Gen 3 walk around - New Video

    This is like Barry White singing in my ear..... :D
  13. Muchmore


    We will be up there for the first time in June, can't wait! It looks so beautiful!
  14. Muchmore

    Gen 3 walk around - New Video

    Huh. That's....surprising. Not bad but surprising.
  15. Muchmore

    Little Sahara OK

    Where is your flag?
  16. Muchmore

    Little Sahara OK

    Love it there and it's close to KC for me!
  17. Muchmore

    bolt on bumper better than stock?

    Cool, thank you very much!
  18. Muchmore

    bolt on bumper better than stock?

    Hey can you include a picture of the Nav screen looking thru the front camera, please? I am just wondering how obstructed it becomes.
  19. Muchmore


    Not a bad lookin' pair of potential boots you found there!
  20. Muchmore

    Customer Satisfaction Program 20N11

    They are a PITA as far as NVH goes, however, I do love mine. Nothing I love more than to open the back window a little and crack the roof just to get a good crisp chill going in the cab. Turn on the seat heaters and what a good feeling on the way to work. But they ARE a PITA for sure.
  21. Muchmore

    Question about my Forskin?

    Hey if nothing else there is some cool stuff on this website.
  22. Muchmore

    315/70/17 BFG KO2 Tires w/ 4,000 miles

    PM as well

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