We did this in high school with a friend of mines Toyota truck. Poor truck. We filled it up in the morning let it warm in the parking lot all day and wore swim trunks to school. No better way to get chicks in high school than to bring a pool to school. Back when it was legal to ride in the bed...
I can't get past wondering how you know this smells so much like a feminine hygiene product. Maybe the lack of personal hygiene has spilled over into the poor truck :)
Just wow. What a crock of crap. I can see someone local to Carfax taking some doner VIN's off their private vehicles in their parking lot. Usually, license plate info can be found for free on state websites.
They are a PITA as far as NVH goes, however, I do love mine. Nothing I love more than to open the back window a little and crack the roof just to get a good crisp chill going in the cab. Turn on the seat heaters and what a good feeling on the way to work. But they ARE a PITA for sure.
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