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  1. JohnC12

    GEN 2 Our New Halon Fire Extinguisher + Mounting Bracket!

    You may just be onto something, MDJAK! ;)
  2. JohnC12

    New Member and trying to be a Raptor owner but...

    Congratulations! What exactly did you end up with?
  3. JohnC12

    Help me identify this steering wheel

    It looks like a Vivid Racing custom wheel, but I might be wrong. Check out the link and you’ll see that you can customize it to match the features on your wheel. But is yours missing the paddles...
  4. JohnC12

    New Member and trying to be a Raptor owner but...

    I almost bought an 18 when I was in the market last year. I ended up with a 19 and so glad I did... the ride is so much better with the new 3.0 Fox shocks. I’ve said this a few times before on here - if you can, go test drive the 18 and 19 back to back. First, ensure the tire pressures are...
  5. JohnC12

    GEN 2 Our New Halon Fire Extinguisher + Mounting Bracket!

    I agree with everyone else... good gravy it’s expensive! You can accomplish the same thing for less than $200. Realjones88 - I’d highly recommend you mount that dude... fire extinguishers become flying projectiles during an accident.
  6. JohnC12

    Good deal on 2019?

    Nice! Yeah, Sterling Ford has been good to us over the years. My Dad's company has their fleet account there and the guy who we've been using for many, many years is the best. Though they wouldn't move an inch on the Raptor. In fact, he said point blank - don't bother making an offer other...
  7. JohnC12

    Good deal on 2019?

    BTW - meant to welcome you to FRF, so welcome! As you already know, you won’t get anywhere close to that kind of deal around here in NOVA. 2019’s, at best, are being discounted about $5k to $6k, while 2020’s are holding tight around MSRP - maybe $2k under MSRP if you’re lucky. I bought my...
  8. JohnC12

    Good deal on 2019?

    A 2019 802a for 10k under MSRP is a great deal. What are the dealer fees, and how much are they charging you for the money - assuming you’re financing it? If 59k is legit, and it’s everything you want, I’d jump on it.
  9. JohnC12

    Is this tailgate stock?

    You are absolutely correct, Turning Blue. The 2017/2018 is straight black across the applique, while the letters on the applique are gray on the 2019/2020. 2018 2020 My 2019 up close
  10. JohnC12

    Is this tailgate stock?

    The truck in the picture was done by KG Custom in SoCal, and according to their site, they use MagnaFlow. So I’m going to guess it’s the MagnaFlow Cat-Back performance kit that has been modified for a single side exit. And I may be wrong, but tip looks stock.
  11. JohnC12

    Jack Stands - safe way to jack the beast up

    No doubt, these really are nice stands! The one thing I like about the 12-ton HF jacks is that they'll go to 30" - well above the 22" Esco's.
  12. JohnC12

    Jack Stands - safe way to jack the beast up

    Dude... when quoting someone, don't edit their post.
  13. JohnC12

    Jack Stands - safe way to jack the beast up

    I look forward to seeing your "standard" jack. I most certainly didn't spend $500 either... I bought the HF long reach for $170 + $7 shipping. As mentioned earlier in this thread, I simply couldn't justify spending that kind of money for a jack. With my "standard" HF, which lifts a hair...
  14. JohnC12

    Jack Stands - safe way to jack the beast up

    I’m with ya... I would never roll under my truck with the HF 3 or 6 ton jacks stands - they really feel cheap to me. However, the 12 ton jack stands are heavy duty!!! I roll under every time I do an oil change with no hesitation. But I also leave my jack tensioned up somewhere as a back up...
  15. JohnC12

    Harbor freight Tool Box and Raptor truck bed

    LOL... he might have something very special attached to his rafters. But I’m pretty sure he meant a “come along”.
  16. JohnC12

    Jack Stands - safe way to jack the beast up

    Gotcha. Yeah, it basically came down to two jacks that are capable of getting the Raptor off the floor without the use of pucks - the Pro Eagle (28” lift) and the HF Long Reach (24” lift) jack.
  17. JohnC12

    Jack Stands - safe way to jack the beast up

    Buy a long reach jack. You may want to go back and read this thread... it's all about how a standard jack (and jack stands), like the one in your picture, can't properly lift the Raptor.
  18. JohnC12

    All in the family!

    I’m with you, Smurf. I recently rode in one (against my will) and the ride is simply horrible... felt like a stock Wrangler. At those prices, I expected a lot more. To the Op - welcome and enjoy your new Raptor.
  19. JohnC12

    Is this tailgate stock?

    Hehe... I’ll let the Old Fart explain it to you... and he has some really good pictures. Need more coffee. ;)
  20. JohnC12

    Is this tailgate stock?

    Yeah, that tailgate appears to be stock - lead foot gray with the black applique. However, the pumper and exhaust are not. That’s a really nice truck!
  21. JohnC12

    Raptor Mustang

    Thanks guys! Just to be clear, I have zero intentions of turning his Mustang into a RaptorStang. LOL This car is a stock GT with 14k on the clock, garage kept and maintained to his stringent standards - I intend to keep it this way. I'm seriously considering adding her to my stable just to...
  22. JohnC12

    Kirkland Signature Full Synthetic Oil - Great Value!

    The oil is manufactured by Warren Distribution. I received my Blackstone test kit a few weeks ago and I’m anxious to see how this stuff does. Now I’m just waiting for my mileage to rack up... damn COVID.
  23. JohnC12

    Raptor Mustang

    I think it has a cool factor because of what he’s doing, but it looks too much like a Camaro... and I’m not at all a Camaro fan.

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