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  1. X

    SP542 Thread

    It may make a noticeable improvement, I am not disputing that. But I call absolute bullshit on it cutting your 0-60 by half a second. F1 teams spend millions of dollars for tenths of a second, if god damn spark plugs could give you half a second the entire world of professional racing must be...
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    GEN 2 Racing Stripes Added

    I don't get it. The only time racing stripes do not look obnoxious is when they are on real race cars with race pedigree. Even then they are bit much, but tolerable. Racing stripes on a 5600 lb pickup truck is a bit pointless. What's next? A rear diffuser or spoiler or front splitter or side...
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    Towing/hitch questions

    I have about 10k miles towing a 7x14 (~5500 lb loaded) dual axle with my 17 gen 2 including a cross country trip towing 3 superbikes and luggage, generator, tools etc. Add-a-leaf in the back and it tows like trailer isn't even there. LOVE the pro trailer backup assist. A great tow car contrary...
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    backup trailer feature

    Not really. Just follow the instructions and it will be straightforward. Make sure to put that sticker where it's clearly visible to the rear camera. There are spare stickers in the packet too.
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    backup trailer feature

    Use it all the time. Super nice feature.
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    Gen 2 dead battery. Valet key will not turn the door lock cylinder?

    Gents thank you for your tips. I hit the lock cylinder with some lock ease and it opened with the hidden key inside the fob when turned left. Power locks are down so I couldnt open rear door or tailgate. But I could at least get in and pop the trunk. All good now.
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    Gen 2 dead battery. Valet key will not turn the door lock cylinder?

    Guys, I have upfitters wired to constant power to power fans in back for doggies along with LED light bars. Regardless, I am looking for tips on how to open truck, not discuss why it died. My 802A keyfob pops open and there is a key housed in it that looks like the one TXRaptor posted above...
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    Gen 2 dead battery. Valet key will not turn the door lock cylinder?

    When putting on my front sunshade last night I must have flipped an upfitter on by mistake and my battery is now completely dead. I'm 802A keyless. Of course, owner's manual is locked in car so I can't look at it. I got the metal valet key out of the keyfob and inserted it into the driver's...
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    Loose at high speeds

    ehh I thought there was a speed governor at 109 mph?
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    Just ordered the Tesla style radio for my Raptor...

    So are we, for your in depth analysis and opinions :biggrin: Subscribing to this thread.
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    Just ordered the Tesla style radio for my Raptor...

    So... Guy, have you bought one of these and figured this out yet? :biggrin:
  12. X

    Anyone put a motorcycle in this thing?

    The OP asks a very specific question and a bunch of cowboys jump on him offering unsolicited advice. "Buy a trailer!" "Lose weight!" "Eat broccoli!" "Buy apple stock!" Geezuz FRF is full of junk these days.
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    Anyone put a motorcycle in this thing?

    I loaded a small R3 on the back once. Tailgate down, tied down front and rear and it worked well. The Raptor makes a great make-shift motorcycle hauler when my big toy hauler is tucked away or for quick trips.
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    Just ordered the Tesla style radio for my Raptor...

    Thanks for the info OP. Interesting feedback on the video quality. What's the screen resolution of the panel? Is it an LCD or OLED? Do you know the PPI? Not having youtube is fine by me, with so many high quality gadgets in our life these days I don't need to sit in my car to watch TV. Why...
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    Just ordered the Tesla style radio for my Raptor...

    Guy, you need to jump into this pond and see what's what. You are already the tune guy, you should also become the big screen guy for the Raptor! That way the rest of us can get all our questions answered. LOL :biggrin:
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    Just ordered the Tesla style radio for my Raptor...

    Yes, agreed. Question - is this an Android based system? Or can I get google assistant on it in some fashion? If I can use android auto on it, that would address this, but wondering if the unit can stand on its own without having to use the phone tethered. A car system that's connected to the...
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    Just ordered the Tesla style radio for my Raptor...

    Thanks Guy, appreciate the info. Could care less about sirius, voice commands (seriously, why do car manufacturers even bother?!). I have never used the remote start via the app, though I am not sure if that would be helpful. So overall, I can easily live with the features not supported. I...
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    Simplest dual-battery & 2000W inverter setup

    Yup, I used TMAT blockers on all 3 sides with the battery wedged up against the side of the bed. Very secure. Yes, I ordered the standard 5.5 ft bed and spent an additional $30 something to get additional blockers. Standard kit comes with 4 big non-adjustable and 2 small adjustable blockers if...
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    GEN 2 Radar detector install, over mirror

    Very nicely done OP, you seem to have put some thought into this. Does the windshield light sensor interfere with radar performance or range?
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    Just ordered the Tesla style radio for my Raptor...

    Very nice review OP, thanks for sharing the progress. Like the full screen nav for one thing. Other than sirius, do you lose any radar cruise / collision warning system functionality? I could care less about sirius, but do want collision warning and other safety features left on that I paid for...
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    Rear heated seats question

    I don't have a firm answer for you, but I have a guess. My guess is that the seats are already fitted with the heating element and you just have to add a switch. I say that since it's a comically cheap $150 option to add rear heated seats - leads me to think all cars have it, its just not...
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    Simplest dual-battery & 2000W inverter setup

    I completed this a while ago and even used it on my cross country drive a bunch. Very happy with the results. 4 gauge wiring from car's OEM battery routed to bed along the frame. Big enough fuse wired at the factory battery end. Wiring enters bed through a small hole drilled inside the factory...
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    Gen 2 tranny is leaking pretty bad.

    Thanks for the warning, glad your trip wasn't derailed completely though it wasn't great to lose that one day. Question - why do you have your LED lights on in bright sunlight? Just for the photo?
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    Gen 2 tranny is leaking pretty bad.

    Literally EVERY thread has this doucheweed MGD posting something idiotic and then others berating him. The quality of discussion on FRF was never good, now its downright ugly. In 15 years of being on various automotive forums, I have never seen a particular car/genre of car attract such poor...
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    Gen 2 Upfitter Switch Tailgate Release Kit

    Can anyone confirm this does not release the tailgate while vehicle is in motion? I tested this around the garage yesterday and tailgate did not pop open from upfitter while truck was moving. If that is confirmed this would be an even sweeter mod!