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  1. S

    2019 Value

    In my head its a step down as well... from a suspension stand point at least. The ram rebel 12 g/t interior is pretty nice, at least compared to a 19 raptor since I don't have the recaro seats. I think my biggest concern is the warranty going out if the super duty gets pushed, engine had to be...
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    2019 Value

    It is a GT package for 61.5k
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    2019 Value

    So I have a super duty on order, put it in right before the order banks closed at granger. Still probably 125 orders ahead of me without a VIN, not like order date really matters, with maybe what 4 months left of scheduling? Either way I wont see the super duty until December/January or it...
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    Paying msrp gen3

    Well right now you can't order a 22 super duty since the order banks closed a month or two ago. I'll sell you my 2019 for 70k if that makes you feel better!
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    New (to me) 2019 Raptor Owner Checking In

    Curious what you paid
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    2022 35 package order available with VIN!

    Right doing the build now it costs over that even with the ADM
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    2022 35 package order available with VIN!

    Very interested... it will be a long drive back to Texas
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    Is Stelantis out performing Ford?

    They don't have "allocations" on TRX like a Raptor does at Ford... I think Granger has sold 500 TRXs over the year
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    Allocation Non-existent

    I've been looking at the ZR2 and AT4X... Pretty nicely equipped for 73k. Refreshed interiors are nice on them as well
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    Did i just get lucky??

    You are right to people flying in from all over the country to get 2-4% below invoice on vehicles that dont have allocation restrictions
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    Did i just get lucky??

    A lot of those dealers aren't getting retail orders and only selling customer orders... So better to make a 1000 dollars on an order then not sell anything in middle of no where Kentucky or Iowa
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    GEN 2 Raptor newbie looking at 2018 tomorrow - advice

    I think prices are falling rapidly based off gas and interest rates... A lot of dealers over paid on trade INS and now stuck with them
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    GEN 2 Raptor newbie looking at 2018 tomorrow - advice

    Exactly why when I was looking the 19 was earliest I would go
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    September 19th? Raptor R?

    The R is gonna make it hard to get that 40mpg average for ford
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    New Member from TX

    Funny I have the diesel 250 tremor on order
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    Giving up on getting an allocation.

    I preferred the Gen 3 interior to the TRX interior. But man that truck can haul ass. If my super duty gets pushed to a 23 I might see if Granger can transfer my deposit to a TRX if they have 0 allocations for a 23 Raptor or Bronco raptor
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    Giving up on getting an allocation.

    Fixed or repaired daily... Are we 15 years old dating our cousins?
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    Giving up on getting an allocation.

    It's because they don't have any allocation restrictions on ordering TRXs right now. A dealer can order 100 a day and get them built within 2 months if they stick to level 1 package. The same dealers offering below MSRP on TRX stopped that deal with their heavy duties because those are on an...
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    Death Wobble

    Come take my 2011 JK for a spin on some ****** roads... Then you will know what death wobble is
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    Method MR305NV or MR312?

    I was gonna say I'll swap you my 312 when I trade it in but mine are black on 37s
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    No Ford Allocations until May

    Dealer stock not customer orders
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    Cam Phaser debacle

    Yea I figure once I get it in to them they are gonna end up keeping it...
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    Cam Phaser debacle

    Yup mine sounds like a diesel for the first couple seconds... How long it take to repair? I thought they had to take the cab off. Either way looking to get a super duty tremor on order before I hit 60k
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    Cam Phaser debacle

    Yea I have the cold start rattle and they are doing the flash on Tuesday.... Guessing that isn't gonna help? 2019 with 48k miles