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  1. blaiseam

    Finally Shipped!

    I dont have a "built" date no
  2. blaiseam

    Finally Shipped!

    My guess is its either the 37 package or pro power that holding us up
  3. blaiseam

    1/31 squad

    From FP today: "It does not look like it [regarding chip hold], some orders that may have been on chip holds have the phrase "Pending Update" next to their ETA in OUR systems. yours does not show that, which makes me feel confident about your ETA"
  4. blaiseam

    1/31 squad

    FP gave me a window of 3/16 to 3/22. Not going to hold my breath, but definitely going to hold a beer or two
  5. blaiseam

    1/31 squad

    Thanks so much. It's alive, there's about 1000 lines under BCE modules. Looks like that lines up with being built and sent for a bedliner.
  6. blaiseam

    1/31 squad

    Can someone provide the link for the "modules." What exactly am I looking for here?
  7. blaiseam

    1/31 squad

    2633, no idea what that signifies
  8. blaiseam

    1/31 squad

    FP said produced and on its way to get the bedliner sprayed in. Tracker is down for me.
  9. blaiseam

    1/31 squad

    Can you explain what all these codes mean?
  10. blaiseam

    1/31 squad

    Tracker updated with a 2/18/22 in production date now and a 3/22/22 delivery date. Progress
  11. blaiseam

    1/31 squad

    Nice! Looks like they're still on 2/3 blend dates. I'm hoping for 2/4 in the next couple days (haven't seen any 37PP's get ETA yet though)
  12. blaiseam

    1/31 squad

    Mine says MI too, older ones said TX. No idea why
  13. blaiseam

    Tracker just updated!

    hahah, ill take it! What was your blend?
  14. blaiseam

    2/28 squad

    Is this a new picture? I know this lot was full back in Sept/Oct
  15. blaiseam

    Tracker just updated!

    Hopefully im right behind you. 1/27 in prod with a 2/4 blend
  16. blaiseam

    1/31 squad

    My original order was placed 6/17, rolled into a 2022 on 10/4. Went into production on 1/27 with a 2/4 blend date. Still nothing on the tracker. Looks like well be waiting a while
  17. blaiseam

    1/31 squad

    ...and you chose to inject your political beliefs as one of an infinite number of examples to showcase how much more important your truck is than the rest of the world, understood.
  18. blaiseam

    1/31 squad

    Your disdain seems to be misplaced for the truckers. They are protesting a forced medical mandate, I applaud them all. To blame them for "hurting the working person" and not the Canadian government requires quite a bit of mental gymnastics. But yes, the delivery of our trucks is largely unknown.
  19. blaiseam

    Raptor prices going up

    The truck blockades are a symptom, the Canadian central bank is the disease.
  20. blaiseam

    1/31 squad

    I have a 2/4 blend date and my dealer said to expect the truck in May at the earliest lol. I dont think the dealers know any more than us tbh.
  21. blaiseam

    1/31 squad

    exact same circumstances for me, hoping for some type of update this coming week
  22. blaiseam

    1/31 squad

    Mine "went into production" on 1/27, I wouldn't look into the shift thing too much.
  23. blaiseam

    1/31 squad

    There are a few of us with 2/2 - 2/4 blend dates that haven't had any updates for an "in production" or "built" date. My guess is that after we see those dates updated, you guys will have at least some sort of date within a week or so.
  24. blaiseam

    2/14 Squad

    From my experience, the tracker stops working very regularly and (hopefully) has nothing to do with your build.
  25. blaiseam

    1/31 squad

    Splendid lol

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