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  1. M

    Suddenly a speed limiter??

    They switched your truck in the night
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    GEN 2 Whipple Stage 1 Kit Feedback Thread!

    Nobody’s going to sign any paper guaranteeing your warranty for the things that have been modified, some dealers are modified friendly, like KEN GROUDY . If you bought it there, and service it there you have a better chance of them working with you! Works for me!
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    GEN 2 Whipple Stage 1 Kit Feedback Thread!

    Had it done, ask for Ruben in service he runs their performance dept .
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    Anyone see the Ford oil consumption warnings this week?

    It has to touch the top hole on dip stick , I checked it after my last oil change from the ford dealer .
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    Anyone see the Ford oil consumption warnings this week?

    On a average I’m having to add at least 2 quarts of oil every 5,000 miles . I’m running fords full synthetic. Out of all the vehicles I’ve had in my lifetime , 60 years worth this one takes the prize for oil consumption! It caught me by surprise. There should be a warning in their hand book ...
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    GEN 2 Whipple Stage 1 Kit Feedback Thread!

    Around the bottom of the radiator area
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    Anyone see the Ford oil consumption warnings this week?

    Finally someone is stepping up to the plate to challenge Ford. DODGE!! it’s going to be interesting, in fact I’m interested. Maybe their vehicles won’t come from the factory low on oil. LOL
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    Anyone see the Ford oil consumption warnings this week?

    Oil level coming low from the factory, WTF FORD !
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    SCT Tune Updates Released - With Transmission Tuning

    Any modifications from factory specifications can void warranty related issues
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    SCT Tune Updates Released - With Transmission Tuning

    It won’t support it until you do the updates first then plug into your truck and see what it says if that doesn’t work then you got to call SCT technical.
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    GEN 2 Whipple Stage 1 Kit Feedback Thread!

    I had their tune on a 2017 , but I didn’t like the fact you couldn’t go back to your very own ORIGINAL stock tune . Makes it a very hard choice for my 19
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    GEN 2 Whipple Stage 1 Kit Feedback Thread!

    How many total miles from the beginning on whipples tune,including the update ?
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    GEN 2 MPT/NGauge problem... Anyone?

    If you’re worried about going back to stock tune like I am then the only tune or device that I’ve found that actually keeps your original factory stock tune is the SCT device or bully dog you’ll have to deal with those tuners that are compatible with those devices good luck
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    GEN 2 MPT/NGauge problem... Anyone?

    SCT X4 and bully dog device are the only one that stores you stock tune on the device that I know of. You can then also make a copy to your home computer. If You’re hand held device screws up Or gets compromised you can send your stock file from your computer to SCT and they will install it into...
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    What Programmer / Tune / Tuner??

    I’ll take the SCT or BULLY DOG tuner it keeps you STOCK TUNE. So right now 5star is the winner
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    Anyone see the Ford oil consumption warnings this week?

    I’ve got a 2018 and it uses about 1 qt of oil every 3000 miles. I don’t like it but I guess Ford seems to think it’s normal. I went full synthetic after my first oil change which was 5000 miles. I’m not sure if the synthetic makes any difference at all.
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    GEN 2 Whipple Stage 1 Kit Feedback Thread!

    The price is fair, the thing to get clear on is, what are they warranting.
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    GEN 2 Whipple Stage 1 Kit Feedback Thread!

    Whipple has a great tune. Originally the only way to get your factory tune that matches your ecm/tcm was to send in you ecm to them. Other than that they sent you a generic stock tune . That’s the last I heard .?
  19. M

    Blown Transmission @295 miles?!

    I went through something like this on a 2011 got in back to me in 29 days. Transmission rebuild, pinion bearing replaced, throttle body replaced. I was holding my breath the whole time. I had a tune on it , that I was able to return to stock in the nick of time. But believe me ford was all over...
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    GEN 2 Whipple Stage 1 Kit Feedback Thread!

    The only device that saves you stock tune in it , is the Sct or bully dog unit
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    GEN 2 Whipple Stage 1 Kit Feedback Thread!

    I had the Whipple tune in my 2017. It’s probably the most reliable tune The problem is if you want to go back to stock it’s going to be a real problem. Their reasoning is they don’t want you going back-and-forth because it’s hard on your computer. So if you don’t have a problem with that then I...
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    GEN 2 Whipple Stage 1 Kit Feedback Thread!

    I’m pretty sure you can override the whipple tune with another custom tune , the problem is with whipple tune, you have forever lost your original stock tune. Some say you can send your ecm to them and they put you original stock tune in . But I don’t believe it
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    Blown Transmission @295 miles?!

    Ford will want it dissembled first, then they will decide, new or rebuild. If it takes over 30 days to fix lemon law becomes a good option .
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    Ford Performance

    Looks like 5 star or stage 3 motor sports warranty doesn’t cover the gen 2 raptors