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  1. OwenTM

    Anything Coming from Fox?

    Lovely, guess the only option is running gen 2 FRS in the front and stock in the rear :/
  2. OwenTM

    Nex Gen 2 Build

    When looking at your wiring harness I'm a bit lost on what these two singles are. Is one the backlighting for all 4 LP9's and the other is the backlighting for the S8 bar? I noticed the S8's plug only appears to have two wires going into it which is causing the confusion for me. Working on...
  3. OwenTM

    GJ Motorsports 3rd Brake Light w/NMO - Gen 3

    Same here if anyone else has one!
  4. OwenTM

    FS: Baja Design S2 Sports, Icom F5021, Spicer rear differential cover, and SPV Gen 3 S2 Fog light kit.

    Are the two individual S2 lights listed at the top of your post still available? Pm'd as well.
  5. OwenTM

    First Sticky - Gen3 Owner Pics

    Some recent pics of my 22 Gen3