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  1. M

    Whipple 3.8L Supercharger Upgrade - Pics inside

    How about a draggy 0-60 and 1/4 mile? Hate to ask but any rattling at idle?
  2. M

    17 to 21 - Initial impressions

    Do you feel like the 37s reduced power? Any 0-60 times? Curious how well Ford did on adding the 37’s. Hopefully loosing a little bit of mpg and wheel travel are the only trade offs.
  3. M

    GEN 2 Rear Axle Gear whine at speed

    I had the pinion bearing replaced under warranty and the noise is gone. BBC Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. M

    GEN 2 Rear Axle Gear whine at speed

    I have the same problem 17 with 46 k. Seems to be getting louder. I think it may be the pinion bearing from reading on the internet. I haven’t taken it to the dealer yet but plan too. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. M

    Beadlock/CF orders getting pulled 02/01 forward

    Ordered Jan 28th. Magnetic with CF and Beadlocks Dropped beadlocks April 1st. Kept CF Got Window Sticker today with CF and Beadlocks with build date of 5-8
  6. M

    GEN 2 Truck Order Discussion

    Ordered Jan 28. Magnetic with carbon fiber and beadlocks. Got windows sticker today with build date of May 8th Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk ---------- Post added at 08:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:50 PM ---------- At MSRP Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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