I have popped this code 3 times since July. It's a low coolant temperature code. Basically the coolant temp is too low I guess? Anybody got ant ideas? 2010 6.2.
since everybody else is....
WSI Race rack
$900 with "air dams" and quick release fire extinguisher mount
Fits 3 gas cans
no ammo cans or jack
Click here for more info
And to add to what I said about fish plates, you would only need them on the top and bottom of the spliced tube, directly centered over the weld. If you can't get to the top, bottom and back side should be ok too. Top and bottom would be best though.
I don't love that he spliced the tube together ( I would never do that on something that has a lateral force on it as this does), however with that being said , a properly prepared weld is technically stronger than the material being welded to, that's in regards to mild steel. I would recommend...
He is talking about a bedcage you mount suspension too.
---------- Post added at 05:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:07 PM ----------
Why don't you look at the fire extinguisher quick release I sell? What you have now will break off road
What he did was re-used your stock receiver by cutting it out of the whole stock unit, although he cut it straight and then butt welded an extension to both sides. where you see it welded is as long as the receiver tube was, because the formed channels you see in the diagram , angle inwards. I...
Oh yeah that's probably what big j meant. He said cut the hitch that's why I was confused
---------- Post added at 07:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:25 PM ----------
Thanks Aaron!
---------- Post added at 07:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:26 PM ----------
Me too...
you don't have to cut the hitch out, it just unbolts. However, I did cut the rear "frame horns" to get more clearance. I actually integrated my tow hitch into the bumper I built. It's super strong (I tow 2-3 times a week). Cutting the rear fenders isnt too bad either, I used blue painters tape...
I wouldn't even go that far, just hit it with some spray paint. Unless you got a hook up on powder coat, its going to cost $200 and take 2 weeks to get it back.
You'll probably have to cut the mounting tabs off and re-weld them in the correct position. It would take a guy who knows what he is doing, 1 hour at most.
Couple tips:
-Just peel the fox sticker under the coil spring off, after you get the spring off the shock. You won't get the lower spring holder over it.
-spray the suspension components off at the car wash before you begin.
-Mark the upper spring holder with a sharpie somehow that signifies...
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