Built the harness this evening and gave it a run off the battery terminal. Think the Morimotos look pretty darn good. I’ll pull the battery tomorrow morning to access the upfitter wiring and finish the connection.
So let me get this straight… YOU are bitching about putting the effort in to find a truck at a cheaper price point than in your home state. Sorry but kick rocks with that attitude. I called dealers all over the country, and with EFFORT I found one at MSRP when west cost dealers ALL wanted an arm...
Heads up for what it’s worth, on my 16 F150 I run an MX4 and the seals have deteriorated enough that it leaks a bit. That being said, I really like my Syneticusa retractable on my 23 Raptor.
I’ll play Devils Advocate and say yes, my SyneticUsa retractable is for 04-23. I also have a 16 F150 with a BakFlip MX4 and I’m pretty confident that I swap that to my 23 Raptor. Good luck.
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