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  1. Blind1

    The Detroit Auto Show - New Raptor Unveiling Thread

    I like to see a better PIC of the Hood. I don't care for the EB, but I do like the look.
  2. Blind1

    The Detroit Auto Show - New Raptor Unveiling Thread

    Did you say Ford is reading this thread? Good, then I feel Ford can sell this little Gem for around the low $50K mark.
  3. Blind1

    SnoBall Preparations?

    You know damn well you can't bring a strip tease pole to the Snoball, cuz one of you is bound to get your tongue stuck on that pole.... Geesh...
  4. Blind1

    The Detroit Auto Show - New Raptor Unveiling Thread

    Hell I have 2 1/ 2 years to pay on my 2011 so don't tell me it was under priced.
  5. Blind1

    The Detroit Auto Show - New Raptor Unveiling Thread

    Dodge needs to pay for all them new transmissions that are burning up. But then again Ford probably needs to pay for all them Power Steering pumps burning up. And I bet we have folks believing those recalls are free. ;|
  6. Blind1

    OEM (The Real Deal) Rain Sensing Wipers discussion

    Keep the twinkie. Busa is an electronic wizard, but he lacks in other areas. I had to explain to him what a Courtesy Flush was as well...
  7. Blind1

    OEM (The Real Deal) Rain Sensing Wipers discussion

    I believe the Courtesy wipe happens after you do the window washer spray; it's a delayed swipe after you released the washer button.
  8. Blind1

    November Pay It Forward Event!

    You can use whatever name you want. Like I'll be able to see it...
  9. Blind1

    dkfc13's Build Thread w/ Pictures

    What mods are you projected to do to that beast next? & will 37s fit without rubbing.?
  10. Blind1

    F/S: [Group Buy] Rear Facing Amber Light Bar

    Hum, I see you have an odd number (9) of Cyclones. I'm assuming the left over clear one is for the new suit you are building for Iron Man.... BTW - you'll never get that 5 minutes you wasted on watching that video.
  11. Blind1

    November Pay It Forward Event!

    I'm in I'm in I'm in.....
  12. Blind1

    What did u do to your raptor today?

    phydough, was rear window defroster on at the time. I have seen a few post on frf about the rear window defroster blowing out the rear window.
  13. Blind1

    Gold Rush - Parker wrecks his Raptor

    Hey I have a Raptor, too!
  14. Blind1

    WIN A $500 Gift Certificate!!!

    I'm in. BTW does Avery want a Devil Dawg Chihuahua? I swear it's house trained. (It knows how to pee & poop in every room & corner of the house)
  15. Blind1

    Full Parking Lot Today :)

    Whoa, it looks like you have a New Jersey Raptor Run going on. Apparently your shop has an excellent reputation to have that many Raptor to show up for your Services/Tunes..
  16. Blind1

    Power Steering Blowout & Failure!

    Sounds like they need to replace the high pressures lines as well.
  17. Blind1

    A pillar grab handles

    Yeah I misread that shit. No wonder, it's posted upside down. He shouldna bought a lefthand drive.... ;)
  18. Blind1

    A pillar grab handles

    I just grab the steering wheel to assist with entry.
  19. Blind1

    Rogue Racing stage 4

    Wow (mouth is wide open)!!! Do me favor & send your old ADD suspension parts to this poor old retired MSgt. I'm inspiring to make my the Raptor the No. 1 Mall Crawler. Wow...
  20. Blind1

    New guy

    Welcome aboard FNG! And when you do get a Raptor post a PIC or it never happened.
  21. Blind1

    F/S: [Group Buy] Rear Facing Amber Light Bar

    I like to get on this, but my first mod was to remove the blind spot center head rest from my Raptor. I'll be damn if I can find it, now. I guess I can copy your design but put one cyclone behind each rear passenger headrest. Now, if I can only talk ole IRONMAN with sending me his extra...
  22. Blind1

    Raptors and Craft Beer

    I hope you were driving your riding LawnMower.
  23. Blind1

    November Pay It Forward Event!

    I'm in.
  24. Blind1

    The Story of MobileBeats / Rookie

    Well Hell, if you're going to act like a lawyer, just take 60% of it...
  25. Blind1

    The Story of MobileBeats / Rookie

    NOTE: Even though Fred is not a Lawyer, and he requires no fees or pay unless you win. Therefore a 10% charge will suffice for the pretend Legal Advice. BTW - I endorse Fred's advice on this one. Good Luck!