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  1. raydulce

    2023 Order is in

    Very interesting. My dealer just told me I should be pulled for a build date in the next 2 weeks. Order was Feb 1, 2022. We've eliminated the spray-in bedliner due to being told that was delaying the truck...
  2. raydulce

    2023 Order is in

    Maybe a dumb question... is that for the normal F-150, Raptor, or both?
  3. raydulce

    Their deleting certain options now for faster delivery

    Can anyone tell me how this works if my order gets converted to a 2023? I ordered Feb 1, 2022 -- price protected order. If it gets rolled over to a '23, what happens?
  4. raydulce

    Their deleting certain options now for faster delivery

    I get it. I really do. Thankfully I have an awesome dealer who's making the experience the best they can. I'm still excited about my order, but sure wish the truck was going to come with the better interior panels, the temperature on the HVAC knobs, the ambient lighting in the cup holders...
  5. raydulce

    Their deleting certain options now for faster delivery

    Thought I'd share the best I can come up with. Stopped by the local dealer and they showed me 2 trucks. The 801A package is supposed to come with the darker aluminum that contains a map of Detroit etched in it. The oil brown example is from a F-250, but you get the idea. Sounds like I need...
  6. raydulce

    Their deleting certain options now for faster delivery

    Can anyone share a picture of the Raptor Standard vs Raptor High interior trim (Non carbon fiber)?
  7. raydulce

    If you truck was built with 801A and Pro Power After Mid October, you will be waiting!

    BriGuyRaptor, I read through this thread and didn't see an answer: Did your contact tell you about how long the ProPower would delay the truck? I ordered a 2022 on Feb 1 with the 801A and ProPower, and still don't even have a VIN...
  8. raydulce


    Thank you for sharing this. I checked the manual and agree with what you found! Do you know where in the truck the data recorder (not the cameras -- I know where they are already) is located? Thanks!
  9. raydulce

    2022 Raptor New Order

    Hello all. New to the group too. Ordered my first Raptor yesterday -- 2022 Black with the 801A and 35's . I'm another buyer hoping the lead/build time is short for the Raptors!