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  1. Fcfdw

    First timer from Texas

    Thanks guys, it’s a clean one for sure. Looking for somewhere to give it a good thrashing here in TX.
  2. Fcfdw

    Amsoil recommended fluids

    Mainly is it cool to use the amsoil atf in the transfer case? I don't know how the hell "transfer case fluid" could be different. I already changed it just want to know if i should expect it to blow up. The old fluid was definitely ready, just about black.
  3. Fcfdw

    First timer from Texas

    I just picked up a 2014 Ingot silver screw 3 days ago and I love it! Man this truck is fun! I can't stop reading the wealth of info here on the forum. I don't have great pics yet but I uploaded one. 59k mi. Ford cpo.