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  1. 91Eunos

    1,000 miles after UPR Catch Can

    ...and don’t forget oil weight/viscosity!
  2. 91Eunos

    Retrofit of tailgate with step...

    OK, as some may be aware from my intro thread, I’m a new owner and also looking to retrofit a step into my tailgate. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but it’s not reasonably feasible...possible, but would require some surgery to make the step fit. For perspective, here’s what the tailgate...
  3. 91Eunos

    1st Raptor from PA

    Welcome! What a crazy coincidence... I almost bought the used Supercab Raptor there at Louden (fly in and drive home) before I found one much closer late last week. Just picked it up today and just got home. Would have been funny to have been there at the same time picking up our new rides!
  4. 91Eunos

    New owner in Texas hill country...with a proposal!

    I almost bought a gently used 997.1 GT3 from a buddy of mine when we lived in Germany. I used to give him a ton of grief when I would turn faster lap times in my admittedly fairly modified Mini Cooper S with track tires than his GT3...told him he needed to sell it to someone who could drive it...
  5. 91Eunos

    New owner in Texas hill country...with a proposal!

    Just North of New Braunfels... Same here. Was working with three different dealers, and even flew to Colorado last month to look at one. I wanted the standard wheels the way they look. Looking at some other 17” rims for my day-to-day driving, and these will get painted (black or...
  6. 91Eunos

    New owner in Texas hill country...with a proposal!

    Well, compared to other trucks I’ve owned.... including one F350 named Truckasaurus. :deal:
  7. 91Eunos

    New owner in Texas hill country...with a proposal!

    LOL...or both! Nah...custom logo from Billet Badges. Will post when complete...
  8. 91Eunos

    Gen 2 Upfitter Switch Tailgate Release Kit

    Sweet! Just ordered...
  9. 91Eunos

    New owner in Texas hill country...with a proposal!

    Copy all and thanks...seriously appreciate the input. Gonna sound funny, and I am the eternal optimist, but I already ordered a new/custom tailgate badge...for a truck I don’t even have in my possesion yet! :D I can always put it on my old truck I suppose...but kind of have a vision for this one.
  10. 91Eunos

    Gen 2 Upfitter Switch Tailgate Release Kit

    New owner and already decided I can’t NOT get this... Let me know when you’re back in the CONUS and I’ll order one as well. Safe return...
  11. 91Eunos

    EdIt: Bought a new tailgate; will sell my appliqué tailgate when new one is painted.

    Hi all, New member and new Raptor owner (long time Ford truck owner and off road enthusiast though). Picking up my ‘18 Raptor in DFW Saturday and unfortunately (for me) it has the tailgate appliqué ... I know it’s a long shot, but thought I’d post to see if anyone near or between DFW and the...
  12. 91Eunos

    Hello from SA, Tx

    Welcome... New Raptor owner myself. Apparently you’re just a Prius owner until you post up some pics!
  13. 91Eunos

    New owner in Texas hill country...with a proposal!

    Hi all, New South-Central Texas Raptor owner and new to the forum. After debating whether to order new because I wanted a pretty specific build, or waiting to find the right truck used, I’m picking up my 2018 Leadfoot SCAB on Saturday up in the DFW area and can’t wait! SCABs are a lot...
  14. 91Eunos

    New owner from Austin

    Welcome! New Hill country member here too...
  15. 91Eunos

    2019 Raptor Intel

    They should swap it to a blue line for the blue interior... If I wind up going that route, first order of business will be to pull the wheel and send it out to be redone. There’s an excellent shop not too far from here (up near Waco) that's recovered several steering wheels for me...better...