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  1. R

    Sparkplugs & wiring done, and

    I get between 16 and 16.5 in town on summer gas. Less on winter gas or on the Interstate at 80+ mph.
  2. R

    Sparkplugs & wiring done, and

    What spark plugs did you use???
  3. R

    Ford Split Happening!

    So F-150s that are gas and diesel powered will be under one division of Ford, and electric F-150s that come off the same assembly line will be under another division? That would be inefficient, but so would having two separate assembly plants for F-150s.
  4. R

    Alpharex Pro tail lights!

    "People can spend their money as they choose to" - I didn't say they couldn't. I'm saying it's a poor use of hard-earned money, particularly now with inflation squeezing every American's pocketbook. That's not "world or political views," that's raw economics.
  5. R

    What do you use to prevent light theft?

    Why don't you have something better to do?
  6. R

    What do you use to prevent light theft?

    It has to do with lights, you see. Please excuse me for being gratuitously helpful. (I thought that's what FRF was for.)
  7. R

    What do you use to prevent light theft?

    Then don't lock your truck or your house. Same "logic."
  8. R

    Alpharex Pro tail lights!

    Oh. The old criticism of "form over function" is unknown to you? How about that the world has changed in the past 24 hours? Any bells?
  9. R

    Alpharex Pro tail lights!

    They're red and the light up when they're supposed to. Hundreds of dollars for no improvement in function. I think I'll save my money for gas. The international price of oil is approaching $100 a barrel.
  10. R

    GEN 1 Normal engine noise for the 6.2?

    I would suggest buying a mechanic's stethoscope (not expensive and available at many auto parts and industrial supply stores) and using it to localize and identify the source of that sound.
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    Fog Lights - 2019 Raptor - Bezel or No Bezel

    Something else occurred to me about the bezel question as I was installing new Diode Dynamics fog lights. All LED lighting has cooling fins or "pin fins" on the back of the light housing to keep the electronics in the lights from overheating. It seems to me that using a bezel blocks the air...
  12. R

    What do you use to prevent light theft?

    Here is how to aim fog lights and driving lights: The easiest way to do this - and you don't need two people - is to clamp a common C-clamp on the short side of a carpenter's square to make the long side stand upright. Measure the...
  13. R

    Explaining gas mileage to your children

    ^^^Oh yes, and that is especially true when your vehicle is in the 6,000 pound bracket, doesn't try to hug the ground, and in general is about as aerodynamic as a brick! CAIs, intake air "swirl inducers," etc. are all money-making propaganda. There is one and only one fuel saving device that...
  14. R

    Fog Lights

    Here ya go: I would advise you to be very careful about multiple fog lamps. There is a "sweet spot" to consider...
  15. R

    What do you use to prevent light theft?

    Even though I live in a rural area and protect my Raptor inside a closed and locked garage, I also had some concerns about aftermarket light theft. So I did something that I hope would confound would-be thieves. I drilled the light mount bolts and used stainless steel safety wire to make it...
  16. R

    Exhaust Mode Selection Unavailable

    Exhaust mode? Oh yeah, out the back, out the front, or into the cab. :)
  17. R

    Ford Ranger Raptor will start at $52,500 MSRP

    I paid about the same: $41,000 plus tax and prep. The only options I got were the step in the tailgate and the rear camera. Both have proven very handy.
  18. R

    Ford Ranger Raptor will start at $52,500 MSRP

    @Raptor 2014 , $85K - that's more than twice what I paid for my GEN1!!! Geeze, I'm too poor to buy a truck now. Better keep my 2011 running until we're all peddling bicycles.
  19. R

    Ford Ranger Raptor will start at $52,500 MSRP

    I wouldn't have Ranger at any price. I do my own maintenance, and I'm not about to buy a truck that's engineered so that I have to remove the front tire to reach the oil filter.
  20. R


    I actually appreciate the OP's PSA intentions. It's educational. I have a lot of what I think are very good reasons for wanting to keep my GEN1 on the road indefinitely, but I thought the number of reasons was finite. I was evidently quite mistaken.
  21. R

    Speaker upgrades?

    Very kind, Noah. Thank you!
  22. R

    Speaker upgrades?

    Thanks for responding, sir. No particular price range, just best value for the buck. The problem I'm trying to solve is all in my head - my ears, specifically. I have more or less age and wear and tear high-end hearing loss, and I thought that a pair of tweeters at head level would probably...
  23. R

    Speaker upgrades?

    Noah, do you have a couple recommendations for surface mount tweeters for the front? I have a 2011, and there is no accommodation for tweeters except the triangular interior plastic panel at the front bottom of the front door windows. I figure to simply wire them to the factory door speakers...