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    What did u do to your raptor today?

    Relocated my Hilift Jack to a better location by just using longer bolts and no need to buy a separate mount.

    Rooftop Tent anyone?

    I just got my new 23ZERO Walkabout 72 with annex and a small A/C hahaha. Initial setup/pitch. Planning first camp out in So FL, so the rigged small a/c. My girls need their a/c

    What did u do to your raptor today?

    Rotated tires and added a new tool to the Glamping arsenal.

    GEN 2 Upfitter Switch Labels DIY

    Well, good and all that, while you were at it, and goin overboard...¿why didn't you make the same for us GEN 1 folks?

    Show off your latest pics

    Quick Hose Job...

    What did u do to your raptor today?

    Not what I did to my Jenny Big Hipped Bitch today, but rather what they did to me and her yesterday...Firstly, I will note that since the day I picked her up the first time and drove off the lot to get her first gas fill up, I have had admirers, curious abservers, and even got more attention...

    6.2 Engine Rebuild

    I think your bigger problem is mapping the and mating the computer to the new and different motor

    HUGE Thank You to TMX!!!

    Nice work! Even though its a GEN2...

    GEN 1 ¿OEM Bead Lock Rings?

    No I didn’t, but I think they have a different number of bolts. Fortunately, I found a ‘13-‘14 OEM set.
  10. MEIRONMAN207

    Race Red Late Afternoon Detail

    ¿Don't RED performance vehicles get profiled and get more tickets? Mine has camo and they either don't see it or I get a pass...Hehehhhe.
  11. MEIRONMAN207

    ROOF TOP TENT CVT Mt. Ranier Summit with Annex

    I already have a Thulé rack. Too bad...I just drove down from ME a couple of weeks ago and passed VA off course, you should've posted before, hahaha... I will keep an eye on your sale and see..
  12. MEIRONMAN207

    ROOF TOP TENT CVT Mt. Ranier Summit with Annex

    ¿RU coming anywhere near So FL anytime soon?
  13. MEIRONMAN207

    Just bought some Kings!

    Aye! Thanks for your honest experiences!Something to throw into the mix for final choice...
  14. MEIRONMAN207

    Just bought some Kings!

    Just for my own use...¿what made you go with the KINGS and the Camburg's UCAs? I'm still on the fence vs staying with FOX brand for my upgrade to the 3.0s...heard the the KINGS are noisy and click etc? No a deal breaker for but might get annoying on street driving?
  15. MEIRONMAN207

    What did u do to your raptor today?

    The Rock Gods strike again!
  16. MEIRONMAN207

    Firewall Insulation EATEN

    Taking in the timing (season) and locations mentioned, my bets are on either a Chipmunk or Squirrel...I had a Chipmunk earlier this month decide that the insulation around the battery would make a good bedding material and the warmth from the engine bay was a better climate than the outside 45º...
  17. MEIRONMAN207

    New trans cooler

    I just replaced my stock one with the "Saudi" larger OEM Ford one just today. I started the truck up from a cold start and let the truck warm up. The temps returned back to normal pre-replacement. Then I took a short trip 30 miles and drove with a 91 octane performance tune on the highway 70-80...
  18. MEIRONMAN207

    What did u do to your raptor today?

    Another post Covid-19 project series; first, a oil/filter change and second, the upgrade to a Saudi-transmission cooler. (Which should have been a standard Raptor part).
  19. MEIRONMAN207

    GEN 1 ¿OEM Bead Lock Rings?

    Found a few listed on online which turned out to be old in-stock listings that was not updated and in fact all were sold out. The set I found happened by chance, the first set I was traveling and missed out by a couple of days and was sold to another member before I got a chance to mail a check...
  20. MEIRONMAN207

    GEN 1 ¿OEM Bead Lock Rings?

    Did I mention I found a set!
  21. MEIRONMAN207

    What did u do to your raptor today?

    Not the same animal, but for reference...I had the same tires on my 1987 Toyota LC FJ60 in 33/12.5/15 and they worked great in mud and snow, FYI.
  22. MEIRONMAN207

    Ford Performance Rear Diff cover

    Again, you clearly didn’t read all the posts.... All the info, questions covered; 1. Both covers are mfc., by the same company, different crappy labels. 1.a., Price up charge for “FORD” name plate. 2. Almost all did not get an instruction sheet. 3. Extensive how to and experience with both well...
  23. MEIRONMAN207

    Ford Performance Rear Diff cover

    Dude, you claimed to have read all the posts? All the info needed is on there...I even mentioned that I drove 2000 highway miles and a couple hundred on gravel roads just after the install with the supplied gasket. Not leaks or issues. The only thing I researched further was to confirm the...
  24. MEIRONMAN207

    Owner.Ford.Com service history

    I had similar issues with the site. I finally gave up last year and forgot about it. I will try looking again, maybe. I also always keep a file folder and record service on a log book, been doing that since my car.
  25. MEIRONMAN207

    GEN 1 Gen1 rollover on the beach.

    Should’ve had a RC truck first and seen how easily they flip from too much traction then would’ve learned how to not drive a real truck.