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  1. Hole Shot

    How To DIY Stubby Install

    I'd rather keep it to spank people with T.A.R.D.S. (trump acceptance rejection disorder) great how to Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Hole Shot

    GEN 2 2017 FORD RAPTOR Blue arrived

    Funny the dealer is gonna pay to have that garbage painted. Probably because they pocketed 20k from ya. That's the prettiest lawnmower I've ever seen!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Hole Shot

    RPG Power Steering Resivor leaking out of overflow?

    Yes it has a 3 row cooler for the trans system, which I incorporated into the stock cooler and a 2 row cooler for the ps system. I bypassed the stock ps cooling system. Just to note the trans will not allow fluid to flow through the cooler till 295 degrees I believe. Sent from my iPhone...
  4. Hole Shot

    Method NV bolts replacement

    I can powder coat them if you like.
  5. Hole Shot

    RPG Power Steering Resivor leaking out of overflow?
  6. Hole Shot

    GEN 2 2017 FORD RAPTOR Blue arrived

    Hey man change your name you don't want people to think your me I'm bad news!! Just ask one of the admins.
  7. Hole Shot

    RPG Power Steering Resivor leaking out of overflow?

    Well here is my fix. I reused the rpg resi, bypassed the ps radiator cooler, installed a magnifine replaceable filter with magnet, and installed a derale dual cooler with fan which acts as a trans and power steering cooler with a fan wired up to one of my 30a upfitter. I used all push lock an...
  8. Hole Shot

    What did u do to your raptor today?

    Never got back to you after you put the rst 16 on. How do you like it? Any issues? How much travel do you have? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Hole Shot

    Power steering cooler

    Joe their is a better option for the cooler than this but it is pricey. This is a trans and a p/s cooler. I did eliminate the stock ps cooler section of the radiator. I believe there in lies the main problem to many people's issues especially if you have previously blown a pump. I feel like I am...
  10. Hole Shot

    DIY - Stock Raptor 2.5 Shock Rebuild.

    Yea I'm Really not one for Saftey. My X-rays prove it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Hole Shot

    DIY - Stock Raptor 2.5 Shock Rebuild.

    Thought I'd throw this idea out there. Mostly so t_j doesn't mistake his hand for a shock again. Just made it from some spare parts in the shop. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Hole Shot

    The 2017 SnoBall Pics and Vids

    Pin it to win it !!!!!
  13. Hole Shot

    DIY - Stock Raptor 2.5 Shock Rebuild.

    No the upper cap that mounts to the frame rail. Not the lower that the shaft goes through. I think I just need another set of hands as I just had surgery on my arm. I was wondering what set screw you were speaking of. Now I understand. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Hole Shot

    DIY - Stock Raptor 2.5 Shock Rebuild.

    im in nc if you need a set done. ---------- Post added at 11:14 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:10 AM ---------- normally these don't need to come off but they are in real bad shape and I'm powdercoating them for yukon joe.
  15. Hole Shot

    DIY - Stock Raptor 2.5 Shock Rebuild.

    Did the upper cap have locktie on it? I have a set and can't get the upper caps off. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Hole Shot

    GEN 1 Steering Rack Replacment - Notes and Info

    How's that?? Turn radius is determined by the steering stops. The 20:1 should turn slower than the raptor racks. I recant my last statement about wanting a 20:1
  17. Hole Shot

    GEN 1 Steering Rack Replacment - Notes and Info

    I think I'd rather have the 20:1 interesting Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. Hole Shot

    GEN 1 Steering Rack Replacment - Notes and Info

    So the standard f150 racks are electric. Their are 3 different racks for the raptor. I don't have a computer in front of me to quote part numbers. I will post later if I can. That being said if you go to the rock auto link here in frf you can look two of them up. The first rack is referenced as...
  19. Hole Shot

    The 2017 SnoBall

    Nice but no recovery video
  20. Hole Shot

    KC Pro6 Light Bar - 9 Light!

    So that's what happened to the thread.
  21. Hole Shot

    The 2017 SnoBall

    Be safe out there boys and girls it gets very slippery!!!
  22. Hole Shot

    GEN 1 Steering Rack Replacment - Notes and Info

    I'd go to your local ford dealer to get one. Be real nice and chatty so they rember you. Bring some doughnuts or something because their is a one year warranty on the pumps. stick the receipt somewhere safe. You will probably need it. Again make sure you bleed the system Really well!!!
  23. Hole Shot

    GEN 1 Steering Rack Replacment - Notes and Info

    Hit me up before you change the rack. You need to bleed it good so you don't end up blowing the pump also. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. Hole Shot

    GEN 1 Steering Rack Replacment - Notes and Info

    Yea that sounds horrible! You can try and spray some lube on the shafts and grease the splines under the left boot to see if it quiets down. Check the tq on the mounting bolts. You said you already replaced tie rod ends correct? That could be an issue also. Have some one turn the wheel while you...
  25. Hole Shot

    GEN 1 Steering Rack Replacment - Notes and Info

    yea I've been outta work for a couple months thanks for the quote but not in the cards right now but my whole ps system will be getting replaced and reworked when I get back on my feet.