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  1. B

    Screw up got me a free afe intake!

    You all convinced me. I'm going to call them tomorrow. Hopefully they give me a discount on something else. A tuner perhaps? :)
  2. B

    Screw up got me a free afe intake!

    First of all Brusso99,I didn't steal anything. And i could not really afford my raptor ether, I got VA grants frome getting severely wounded in Afghanistan. And I am a very honest person. If someone gives me the wrong change. Or if I find someone's wallet. But with this it kind of felt like good...
  3. B

    Screw up got me a free afe intake!

    A few days ago I ordered an AFE intake online from a local San Diego based company. They accidentally sent me two but only charged me for one! Completely stoked cuz they are 350$ a pop. I'm debating on wether or not to just sell it online, or try to get a refund from the website and hope they do...