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  1. K

    Help me fund a 2017 Ford Raptor

    So this was a joke for all of you out there who are wondering. If you check the gofundme page is non-existent anymore. I dont know why the hell my name came up as Kevin for who ever said that. That page was created in a few minutes and not check for any sort of spelling, as many others have...
  2. K

    Help me fund a 2017 Ford Raptor

    Look guys im not looking to get into fights about this or with anybody. I simply did this to see if anybody was willing to help out and i can see that nobody wants to which is fine. So in that case the thread can be deleted.
  3. K

    Help me fund a 2017 Ford Raptor

    Seriously guys this isnt a troll. I am putting 20k down already. Hell, i just dont want to give up this order hope just yet.
  4. K

    Help me fund a 2017 Ford Raptor

    Hello eveyrbody, I have been following this forum for quite some time, as i have been following the raptor for just as long (3 years now). I have a raptor reserved for MSRP in New York. I have a veyr good friend at a ford dealership and was hoping to get the truck for below MSRP. But as we...
  5. K

    Impossible to find at MSRP?

    From my understanding of what two dealers have told me, the next allocations will most likely not been until late 2017. But still information is scarse and who knows if that is true. I was also told that dealer reps could be holding a few back for as they quoted "buddies" and they may let them go.
  6. K

    Impossible to find at MSRP?

    I have one reserved for MSRP in New york, i had to pull the guys leg to get it for MSRP. The sad part is i may not be able to afford the monthly payments and may have to give up my spot.

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