Well let us know. I’ve heard that it won’t work. Now that I have my ‘24 R, I’d like to take these ‘21 knobs (that I put in my ‘22 in this original post) and put them in the ‘24.
Yeah I hear you there. I say you either need to move the intercooler up front or move the spare tire to do the rear. I have a rear mount on my gen3, but need to finish up the covers for the box. Don’t have an eta yet but the rear is a great option.
Hey Guys! Dang I guess I need to get on here more. I’m spending too much time on the FB groups these days.
Anyway, we did one on my friends ‘24 R last week. Our existing winch mount works great. I need to start including some shorter bolts for the fairlead as you can set it back in the bumper...
Howdy Alex,
Yes I got your order all packed up. It’ll go out with UPS in the morning. Sorry just been trying to catch up on a hectic weekend.
Hey guys! I’m alive and definitely the opposite from going out of business. I do remember seeing your message @hwycycle Let me go dig into it.
@2slow4u, I’ll probably be starting another batch here soon. I do all the assembly, programming, and wiring myself, so I have to wedge that in my...
Well I took a chance that this would work, and it did. I was bummed that the '22's didn't have the temp display on the climate control knobs. I found a used one on eBay. It ended up being completely plug and play. No rewiring, no Forscan needed. Just have to take a bunch of interior trims pieces...
Still scratching my head on this. If the wire gets cut, there’s still no power for it to short out and engage the coil/locker. I could see it blowing a fuse or something if you tried to engage it with a broken wire.
Do your drive in 4Auto or 4Hi? Because from the factory you couldn’t have had the diff locked in 2wd. Or were you in Snow mode? Just wondering how they knew the diff was locked (if it wasn’t locked when you pulled it into the service department).
Joining the 1/24 club!
The best news though…! My salesman sent me a copy of the build sheet and said, “hope this is ok I did this”… he got the 37 package added and surprised me with it! Freaking stoked!
That would be easy. You’d just need to tap into the high beam circuit and run that back to one of the inputs on the Switch-Pro (or the sPOD as they have inputs as well). Then you just program it from your phone to turn on whatever outputs the Squadrons and S2’s are connected to.
Here’s a pic...
I ran one of the older SPOD touch’s and have a lot of experience with the Switch-Pro’s. The touch screen was cool, but I really like the tactile feel with the Switch-Pro. With the touch screen, you have to focus on it to make sure you push the right button. Which can be difficult while flying...
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