Recent content by SSWIM

  1. S

    2024 Raptor R On-road Handling Issues

    Its an off road truck. Not an on road truck. Don’t get in any serious off road vehicle/truck that is set up for off-road or you will really be shocked. Take a look at a 6100 or TT. It’s suspension is set up this way. Take it on a spirited run off road and all your complaints about road handling...
  2. S

    Sold my '24 R, here's why...

    I can absolutely see your reasoning and not debate one iota. I enjoy the R but absolutely loved my 3.5. They run very strong. Nice truck BTW. SAM
  3. S

    2 Used Raptor R at dealer near me

    People can say what they want. The Rs are still bringing good money. Yea, they are everywhere at MSRP. NOT. Sam
  4. S

    Official 2024 Raptor R Order & Delivery Thread

    Call them. You will get a laugh. Sam
  5. S

    DIY Oil Change on Raptor R

    You aren’t getting a $50.00 oil change on an R. Nope. Sam
  6. S

    What did you do to your Raptor R today?

    Added preload to the bypass Foxes I had installed. Did not want them topping out more than needed. Sam
  7. S

    Official 2024 Raptor R Order & Delivery Thread

    While the prices are finally getting somewhat realistic, there are still many out there priced silly. Sam
  8. S

    Official 2024 Raptor R Order & Delivery Thread

    Easy enough. Someone put a viable R purchase up on this thread that is at MSRP that CAN be purchased. I am sure there will be significant traction on it. Sam
  9. S

    Official 2024 Raptor R Order & Delivery Thread

    Yep. Discounts on Rs everywhere.
  10. S

    Does anyone have Gen 3 ACC working after bumper mod?

    Just cut and spliced the harness to extend it. Nothing fancy. Just added a couple of feet.
  11. S

    What did you do to your Raptor R today?

    Removed graphics. Installed limit straps on the front. Sam
  12. S

    Stealth Black Raptor R initial thoughts

    Agreed. I really like the color. And with a little TLC they look great. Sam
  13. S

    GEN3 Ford Raptor R Owner Pics!

    I really like the azure color on the Rs. Your truck looks great Sam