Recent content by SlickTrick

  1. SlickTrick

    Truck value

    sold my 2018 with 60k in June for 36k
  2. SlickTrick

    2024 build date???

    figured I would update this thread, my 4/20 Blend 802a is still stuck in production. I saw the same exact truck except with wheel locks, as mine shipping into my dealer… same color, graphics delete, Bedliner, moonroof etc same exact truck and same exact 4/20 blend date. I was able to take that...
  3. SlickTrick

    2024 build date???

    Man I wish somebody with some insight would tell us how this part of the ordering works… it seems like there’s no rhyme or reason… and no offense to anybody waiting to be scheduled but why the **** are we scheduling more trucks when we have orders just stalled in production?
  4. SlickTrick

    2024 build date???

    As for the shelter green vs Avalanche I would pick avalanche every time. I do have an order in for shelter green that hasn’t been picked up. It’s to flashy for me, I take my stickers off my raptor and tint so dark nobody can see the dogs inside. I don’t want to draw any more attention that I...
  5. SlickTrick

    2024 build date???

    Man.. grats @Zach Gen3 still stuck in production here on my first order and my second order still hasn’t been picked up Hard seeing these guys post orders after mind and they get built in the same day… **** is ford doing?
  6. SlickTrick

    Stuck in production status

    Anyone see any movement in there production status trucks? I’m coming up to two months now.
  7. SlickTrick

    2024 build date???

    Does anybody know for those of us who put down deposits ( one of mine was a pretty hefty deposit ) can we get that deposit back? That’s awesome let us know which one showed up first and what you ended up picking! Both cool colors, Carbonized Grey would probably be my pick.
  8. SlickTrick

    2024 build date???

    Zach what color? Shelter green?
  9. SlickTrick

    2024 build date???

    This is the list they are saying is back ordered. Heads up display, 37” tires and other things like seals and safety belt stuff. This is from my friends order not mine hence the shelter green.
  10. SlickTrick

    2024 build date???

    Crazy to see your trucks go into production later then mine and already completed.
  11. SlickTrick

    2024 build date???

    That’s hilarious… thanks for answering!
  12. SlickTrick

    2024 build date???

    That’s wild… I also have two 802s on order… both Avalanche identical almost… wild that your order completely passed your other order… makes ****** 0 sense to me.
  13. SlickTrick

    2024 build date???

    Zach same truck specs?
  14. SlickTrick

    2024 build date???

    Hey how did you activate your truck? Usually you get a message like this