Recent content by Keshka

  1. Keshka

    Hi Griff, thanks for the offer. I am ex-military, I left the army as a major. HoRa!

    Hi Griff, thanks for the offer. I am ex-military, I left the army as a major. HoRa!
  2. Keshka

    PNW Raptors

    Great to hear! I have not been to the steakhouse for years, 25 years ago they were the top place for steak in the region, then, new owners and that all disappeared. Not sure how they are today. Was anyone else there? For years, Virtue was our winter riding area when we could not get into the...
  3. Keshka

    PNW Raptors

    Highway 86? Well, two lane paved state highway. Typical. Ruckles Creek road? Very well maintained and wide gravel road, not much fun at all other than it is a gravel road. What is fun is all the scratching around you can do inside the park. I am sure one could find a jump, I know of several...
  4. Keshka

    PNW Raptors

    LOL, lost a turbo at Virtue Flats. Not the Raptors fault nor the flats. Factory just got a bad one from Garrett (I think that's who supplies em). Was a pretty quick warranty repair and she was back on the road again. I have spent countless hours at Virtue, 99% of it on dirt bikes. My trip there...
  5. Keshka

    Show off your latest pics

    Nice looking Jen-Juan!
  6. Keshka

    The Raptor in it’s Natural Habitat…

    More from the day (grin). At the end of the run and some nasties I would not normally go on and gained some paint striping, the last mile was "down" from the first pic to the main road at the bottom,pretty much no road to somebody some time when that way on a 4 wheeler and steep/rocky as F*k, I...
  7. Keshka

    The Raptor in it’s Natural Habitat…

    Seemed like a good day to go on a short Raptor run and snag that mirror photo. Whaddy ya think?
  8. Keshka

    Oregon- Gen 1 2010 Molten Orange Member Check-In

    Sounds like a plan! The halfway/Lostine run I mentioned would be a blast. It probably would need to be late spring giving the roads a chance to clear the snow. Pretty darn sure it would be impassable this time of year. The Owahee area is gorgeous early spring. So lets pick a weekend and make it so!
  9. Keshka

    2025 F-150 Raptor (deleted/moved features) — with pictures

    Seems a different market strategy that's f*ked. I have ridden dirt bikes my whole life starting back in the late 60's. Every year new bikes came out with multiple upgrades that really made you want to trade up. Not Ferd! "We suckeded 'em in now let's rake in the profits" ....what a bunch of...
  10. Keshka

    The Raptor in it’s Natural Habitat…

    Deja-vue! There is a spot on top of Mt Harris in Union county Oregon that is so close to identical to this, I though you'all came through here! I saw this pic and was WOAW! I know that spot!
  11. Keshka

    ‘24 Raptor — Graphics, keep or delete?

    I am a loud and proud type. No, I don't want a "sleeper". If I wanted my Raptor to look like a F150 then why did I spend all that extra money? My truck turns heads and I like that.
  12. Keshka

    Public Service Announcement if you bought your Raptor used

    yup, certainly is a privacy issue for Ford. I can still track my 2011 Lincoln a year after I sold it.
  13. Keshka

    2025 F-150 Raptor (deleted/moved features) — with pictures

    So glad I have my '21. My only "delete' was blue cruse. Had the chance to show a young buck what a Raptor was all about this weekend as we took a short jaunt on some back country dirt roads at speeds up to 100mph. He was easily able to relate what his '92 would (not) do in the same situation.
  14. Keshka

    E85 in a gen3

    For you folks running E85, what are you seeing for average mpg?