Recent content by Gator85

  1. Gator85

    Newbie Checking in......

    Howdy! #PrimerRaptorsRule
  2. Gator85

    Rear end noise - over bumps.

    Not what I was expecting when I read title. Sorry. Can't help.
  3. Gator85

    Console Safe Half Box

    Same here. Just ****** me off every time I renew and have to pay the man to exercise my SECOND AMENDMENT RIGHTS! I also recommend the console safe.
  4. Gator85

    Steering sticks

    HA HA HA! I'm #3! #METOO! I was thinking tank on 37s with Raptor graphics.
  5. Gator85

    Key Fob & FordPass wonky?

    Have your truck battery checked. I have a 2021 and the battery died a few weeks ago. All fob functions were being goofy before battery finally died. 3 years is about all you get out of these batteries.
  6. Gator85

    Replacing 801a hood vent for Raptor R hood vent?

    How much horsepower does it add? Asking for a friend.
  7. Gator85

    Battery draining overnight 2022

    Have you tried putting the fob in a Faraday bag when not driving the truck?
  8. Gator85

    New Member - St Pete Florida

    Howdy. #PrimerRaptorsRule
  9. Gator85

    Prius delete mod

  10. Gator85

    3 in a row!?!?!

    I'm going for 14 in a row. Of NOT watching. I've found the Puppy Bowl more enjoyable. And NO Taylor "Ain't So" Swift!
  11. Gator85

    Go-rhino sports bar on 2024 Raptor camera blocked?

    Sports bar? You got a liquor license for your truck?
  12. Gator85

    2021 Raptor with NO cup holder ambient lights?

    Mine was built October 21 and has lights in cup holders. You have all the rest of the stuff, so I would think you should have the cup holder lights. But, then again, that was a strange time when trucks were getting half built and parked until the rest of the parts arrived. Could have missed them...
  13. Gator85

    New Raptor R Owner in Scottsdale, AZ

    Howdy! Are you Chip Beck the professional golfer?
  14. Gator85

    Catalytic Converter protection - 2024 802a

    I guess not. I've been premature with everything my whole life. Just trying to be funny. Swing and a miss. My condolences to OP.
  15. Gator85

    24 Fog Light question

    Ahhh. It's comforting to know there are other people just like me! May I join, please? My dad always said getting old sucks.