Recent content by cplreyes

  1. C

    Highly Modified 2014 Gen 1 Raptor

    It just needs a good wash, then it’ll look like mine. An incorrect installed supercharger will let you know right away. Also, the engine will either accept or reject a supercharger early on. After installing and maintaining my own supercharger, my suggestion is to monitor the reservoir and maybe...
  2. C

    Highly Modified 2014 Gen 1 Raptor

    Engine work? I put in a supercharger myself In my challenger. It’s been four years and running great! Oil pump? Supercharger don’t kill engines. That’s a myth. Worst case scenario, it shortens the life of an engine. We’re talking wayyyyy down the road. Maybe it goes 200,000 miles instead of...
  3. C

    Live Valve Issue? Rides Harder than Gen 2

    In my experience, progressive shocks that are intended for hard impacts (jumping, etc.) are stiffer at the beginning of the travel to better absorb the initial impact, it then smooths out. This translates to a stiffer ride on flat surfaces and rougher roads. I know what you mean though. My $2500...
  4. C

    Bed gap

    Is that the tailgate?
  5. C

    Rattle when truck is cold

    I went back to hear it. It sounds like a heat shield is loose. Never mind, that sounds bad. I would take it to a mechanic. Or, try looking at the belts. I replaced an idler on my SC challenger. I thought it was a bad SC but it was a simple fix. Bearings can go bad pretty easily when a seal is...
  6. C

    Rattle when truck is cold

    Mine is loud at start up. Goes away in about 3 Mississippis.
  7. C

    Rattle when truck is cold

    And, it’s not the cam phaser?
  8. C

    Door Dings....uugh

    Geez, maybe have your coffee before coming on here. My kids know not to ask me for anything before my second cup
  9. C

    Buyer in California

    Every time you ship a human being out, you lose a little bit of humanity. Eventually, you’ll stop seeing a group of people as less then human. It reminds me a guy who got into his truck with a giant wrap on its side that said “**** you’re feelings.” A minute later, his wife and teenage daughter...
  10. C

    Buyer in California

    That’s right instead, just ship the homeless and migrant workers to other states like they’re not human beings.
  11. C

    Buyer in California

    Don’t listen to them. Take your California, hard-earned money to other states and capitalize on there lower prices. It makes sense to shop where the locals can only afford lower prices. Plus, we’re helping there economy. Just being a good neighbor :)
  12. C

    Rebuild Gen 2 with V8 Conversion & 5-Link or Gen 3 for $25k-$30k over MSRP.........

    I believe 500hp but you have to be under boost to feel the power because the V8 puts out less HP than the eco boost and the transmission is super outdated. It’s not worth it. I’ve owned aftermarket SCs and I’m super impressed with the eco boost in the raptor. It’s a beast.
  13. C

    Rebuild Gen 2 with V8 Conversion & 5-Link or Gen 3 for $25k-$30k over MSRP.........

    You can convert a used f150 with a v8 into a raptor pretty easily. Most work can be done by you. You can do the supercharger, fit the fenders and live shocks, control arms etc., by your self. You’ll just have to pay for painting or wrap. I would pay an extra 8 grand for mid travel. A perfect...