Recent content by boomtruck

  1. boomtruck

    Post Delivery Check Engine Light P2C90

    Just had mine cleared for the 3rd time. There doesn't seem to be a "fix" as of yet, but mine has only come on during off road with elevation increases. Just looking for similar triggers out there. While also giving it a thorough ringing out too. Also got an over boost code this last time as...
  2. boomtruck

    Raptor R intake?

    I was all I could do not to say “ that’s what she said “ lmao
  3. boomtruck

    Raptor R intake?

    Holy crap this thing is huge. Sure looks like it does something...
  4. boomtruck

    Raptor R intake?

    Shipped today too...
  5. boomtruck

    Exhaust Actuator Broken.. Anyone Else?

    Happened to mine a month ago. Booked to go in for first week of January. Had to order muffler and accuator assembly. Baja mode throws a code and locks out exhaust modes. Sport mode sounds less crappy than the rest. Sounds flat/dead in them.
  6. boomtruck

    Feedback on your R's -- what problems have you experienced thus far?

    10000 KM exhaust actuator(s) bailed. Parts on order. Sounds like one is stuck somewhere between Sport and Normal. No Quiet and sounds like crap in Normal. Have to drive in Sport 100%. 24 on order...
  7. boomtruck

    MY 2023 Raptor R Order Unscheduled and the Wait Continues......

    Canadian order so only certain dealers can sell Shelby and Raptor. Not every Ford store like the US. Have only a couple come in so far and one was a floor unit that sold fast. MSRP and steering wheel heater too. Is what it is, it’ll have just that less k on it to trade in on a 24.
  8. boomtruck

    MY 2023 Raptor R Order Unscheduled and the Wait Continues......

    Ordered August. as of right now unscheduled clean. not showing any build date for R's for my dealer in March or April.
  9. boomtruck

    Swaybar Disconnect?

    Remove it. Probably needs end links anyway, if you do any offroad at all. Had a 17 and didn't do it. Got a 19 and did after had it awhile and first off road trip couldn't believe the difference in the front taking potted out old logging roads. My wife asked me why I was laughing. But on the...
  10. boomtruck

    Canadian Raptor R Pricing and Orders ($50K ADM!)

    I see a Raptor R on the lot at local Dealer here in Ontario. Not showing heated steering wheel delete. Guess we get that up here. $162,900. +HST. Not bad.
  11. boomtruck

    Canadian Raptor R Pricing and Orders ($50K ADM!)

    Canadian R basic $145500.00 before options and delivery etc.
  12. boomtruck

    Official 2023 Raptor R Order Thread

    Canadian dealers just got allocations a day ago.