Recent content by BigBlue20

  1. BigBlue20

    Is 37 PP worth it?

    Don’t forget 10mm!
  2. BigBlue20

    2023 Raptor 802A black with full Xpel PPF and OEM 100,000 mile warranty

    Great looking truck at a good price. Good luck!
  3. BigBlue20

    New 24 Avalanche 37 in GA

    Welcome. Two great looking trucks!
  4. BigBlue20

    First truck, first raptor

    Welcome! Lots of great info (and sick humor ) here! Nice looking truck!
  5. BigBlue20

    Finally got my first Raptor

    Welcome to the FRF. Nice looking Gen 1 truck.
  6. BigBlue20

    headed to minnesota and ohio

    LOVE Cincinnati Chili!!!
  7. BigBlue20

    What the heck!!!

    Welcome to FRF. Nice looking truck. Glad you got it running right!
  8. BigBlue20

    $2K Rebates on Raptors

    I hope you held the dealer responsible for the car wash showers. My 2020 factory pano roof has never leaked a drop. To be fair, it’s parked inside so there is less chance of stuff falling down on it and clogging the drain lines. There has to be some kind of install screw up to cause leakage.
  9. BigBlue20

    $2K Rebates on Raptors

    I’m in the same situation. If your dealer or salesman there doesn’t call his repeat customers to drum up new business, he’s not doing his job.
  10. BigBlue20

    Dealer wants to change fluids, do I?

    Agree except flushing the transmission. Change trans fluid yes, flush no. Lots of info on this in other threads.
  11. BigBlue20

    Cam phaser dilemma

    I totally agree with the advice of taking it to a Ford Dealer. I also agree as was said by others that there are many successful Cam Phaser replacements every day that we don’t hear about. I myself owned a 2016 F150 2.7 liter that needed cam phasers. My Ford dealer replaced them and I never had...
  12. BigBlue20

    Sully from Kansas City and all about Raptors

    Welcome to the FRF. Love all three of your Fords!
  13. BigBlue20

    2024 Raptor - Seat Quality

    I’m sorry to say this, and am not trying to pick on anybody with a newer truck, but I often hear owners of newer Gen 3 trucks saying how much nicer the interior is over a Gen 2. In my opinion, my late (9/20 build) 802A is built like a jewel compared to newer versions. The content level went down...
  14. BigBlue20

    New Member - St Pete Florida

    Welcome to the FRF from another Floridian. Nice truck and my fav is a Gen 2!
  15. BigBlue20

    Delayed Merry Christmas to me

    Who’s gonna treat you if you don’t treat yourself? And if they did it would be more sox or a tie.