Joe, I met alot of good people last weekend but you and Nicole truly stood out. You guys always made me feel welcome at your campsite, offered the use of your shower, fed me some amazing food, and thought to invite me to join you guys on the night run. The word "selfless" comes to mind when I think of you two.
You guys are a rare breed and I'm honored to have gotten to hang out with both of you.
We normally don't agree on much, Rich.. You completely nailed that last post. Joe and Nichole are truly amazing people, and it is not just at TRR. Every event/gathering I have been at with them, they always go the extra mile. They are the very definition of what FRF member and friend should be like.
Here is a good example.. Joe was feeling like crap and could not make it around one 43 mile lap. So he came back to camp pale as a ghost, puking his guts up. Did he lay down and rest in his camper. No, he unloaded a heavy ass smoker, got everything ready for dinner and greeted everyone that came by.
They are truly amazing people just like all the FRF members. I am proud to call them my friends/family
-Greg (aka squatting dog)
Aww geez guys... my cheeks are blushed hello kitty pink, lol...
We are glad everyone had a fun time. That first day was rough, I was driving and had a hard time making it around the first part of the course without feeling sick. Never made the second half til the next day.
For those that where not there, the jump across the road Rich is referring to is pretty brutal.
it is a double caution at the 16 minute mark. The track had a short steep climb to cross a main ranch gravel road, then another steep decline on the other side. Similar to a rail road crossing but much more brutal. I always slow way down for this one, and scrap the belly of the truck as I crest to the gravel road. Not Madcow, he guns it and jumps the road like dukes of hazards. The video looks nice and smooth because he hit it just right and the RPG stage 4 soaked up the landing.
I'll find that section of video from my run and post it. Then you will see how mad Madcow is, lol...
Rich, again it was a pleasure. Your welcome at the Yukon and RW ranch anytime.
Greg and Brandi, you guys are always welcome too. Don't forget the coffee pot, lol...
Yukon Joe
Buffalo Run Support Raptor