
  1. lulu62

    Rear diff leak - warped axle housing end causing seal to leak

    Hey guys, I'm Lauren. 2010 scab here with my second diff leak in a year. Clearly my repair last time didn't do the job - looking for guidance on round 2! Backstory - 8 months ago, I noticed a slight diff fluid leak on the rear passenger side on the outer end of the axle. After some research...
  2. DreamcastERA

    2013 Raptor - Do I have a major diff problem?

    I hope I'm posting this in the right place! I, of course, have developed an IWE problem. I've been hearing a rattling/grinding noise on and off at highway speeds for maybe the last 4k miles. I originally thought it was a loose bolt, and basically convinced myself o that when I found a very...
  3. shooterAMG

    Ford Performance Aftermarket Torsen Front Diff

    Has anyone had any experience installing this Diff in a 2011 or earlier? 2012 trucks started coming with a torsen front diff, but us early adopters are stuck with an open front diff...