Recent content by tm965

  1. tm965

    Exaust Crackles/backfire

    my loud cold start is now louder. aint nobody got time for quiet start
  2. tm965

    First Sticky - Gen3 Owner Pics

    bakflip CS told me that the MX4s absorb water over time and get much heavier, so that could be why you could be feeling the dif in weight. if you're curious as to why i was speaking with their CS ive had a couple replaced for signficant leaks at the seems. third time is the charm i guess
  3. tm965

    Exaust Crackles/backfire

    for those of you with higher mileage, have you noticed your truck getting louder? i'm around 20k miles and in the last few months its seemed louder on cold start. my wife has made some comments too so its not just me
  4. tm965

    Racking up my body count

    i have no idea how you accomplished this but i love it
  5. tm965

    Racking up my body count

    i exploded an owl with my windshield in the middle of the night a couple of years ago... surprised the hell out of me, even more so that it didnt damage the windshield
  6. tm965

    Can we shut off this Shifter safety feature?

    its after shifting to neutral--hit M then click ok when the dash notification pops
  7. tm965

    What did you do to your Gen 3 today?

    i assume your front camera view is now completely blocked?
  8. tm965

    Finally upgraded my Gen 1 to Gen 3

    my wifes get used but requires seasonal cleaning/greasing to keep it from rattling/creaking over bumps. I'm to ocd to have that going on in my truck, she couldnt care less.
  9. tm965

    Exaust Crackles/backfire

    burbles and pops with the exhaust in sport or baja are common for me, i've only had a couple true backfires... one while passing a cyclist before an upcoming sharp corner on a mountain road in ******* mode (sport mode + baja exhaust) after getting off full throttle abruptly. surprised the shit...

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