Recent content by CoronaRaptor

  1. CoronaRaptor

    New member

    Welcome to the place. Good luck in your search!
  2. CoronaRaptor

    New Member and Raptor owner from Raleigh NC area

    Welcome to the place, congrats on a beautiful Gen 3.
  3. CoronaRaptor

    The Gunsmoke Movie Set - God’s Country

    It's a stupid world we live in now. The stupid people think it's just fine though! The era of people having common sense is going to die with our generation, I've tried to pass on some common sense to my kids, but they are surrounded by incompetent nincompoops, that they look like the odd ones out!
  4. CoronaRaptor

    Pinstripes. Is it still a thing?

    I use to pinstripe cars back in the 80's as a living. Put a stripe down my kids truck just for shiit and giggles. It's just not much of a thing anymore, painted or taped! Pic coming for reference.
  5. CoronaRaptor

    The Gunsmoke Movie Set - God’s Country

    Yeah, looks a little crusty after all these years. I guess there must of been "no trespassing" signs, since you didn't get pics inside the buildings? Looks like a more modern rancher in the distance there too!
  6. CoronaRaptor

    My Gen 3 with a new face lift / rims +

    That makes so much sense, if he had of posted a picture of a booger hanging out of his nose and said “hey guys do you think my booger is long and snotty enough?”.
  7. CoronaRaptor

    My Gen 3 with a new face lift / rims +

    If you’re doing my Mom, you really have low self-esteem, she’s been in the grave a long time!
  8. CoronaRaptor

    RIP…Lee’s Ferry Pioneer’s

    Great pics, different times back then, My Grandma on my Dad's side lost a couple kids, still had 5 others. I guess married couples had a lot more sex back then, LOL.
  9. CoronaRaptor

    Iowa Raptor hits protestors. You here?

    for those that haven't seen it
  10. CoronaRaptor

    My Gen 3 with a new face lift / rims +

    Do you have a small D I C K? To match your acceptance of a new member!
  11. CoronaRaptor

    Newbie in Miami area

    Welcome to the place, congrats on a beautiful Raptor. What are some of the problems?
  12. CoronaRaptor

    My Gen 3 with a new face lift / rims +

    I don't see what everybody is hating on this guys truck for, it's not a gen 1, we all know most gen 2-3 owners only cruize on the street looking for a Starbucks or the mall. OP, truck looks great, these members are just jelly!
  13. CoronaRaptor

    Lonely Dell Ranch & Orchard…Lee’s Ferry

    Looks move in ready!!
  14. CoronaRaptor

    My Gen 3 with a new face lift / rims +

    Beautiful looking raptor! Nice rims!